lighthack the allianz arena fc bayern bvb
Festival of Lights LightartShip Cruise
caveman telephone number Germany (talk in english is possible, we do jobs all around the world) : 0049 1525 130 130 3
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Cooperation between the international agency caveman & PixelHELPER
Do you know it? Commercial advertising agencies donate 1% of their sales to non-profit organizations, PixelHELPER has signed a cooperation agreement with the international agency caveman, based in Marrakech, to help every customer to implement viral guerilla marketing projects while still supporting human rights, environmental protection and social projects Now with a clear conscience, because caveman drops 100% of selected orders at PixelHELPER. With your advertising campaign by caveman, you are supporting a non-profit organization. Finally, a prize-winning advertising agency and a non-profit organization work together. The more advertising orders are implemented, the more pixel projections, large sculptures and viral actions are implemented by PixelHELPER. PixelHELPER has been struggling with small donations for years, as cooperation creates new opportunities for social engagement.
3D mapping light projections Saarbrücken
World’s Longest Rolling Poster
Caveman International is a full-service below-the-line specialist agency that specializes in young target groups. Core competence is the conception and implementation of guerilla marketing and ambient marketing measures, promotions, events, incentives and sampling.
Lighting and the background of events with interactive lighting installations is one of our great passions.
In the field of campaigning, we enter new ways as a guerilla marketing agency. Sample Elections: The closer the election becomes, the more important are surprising actions to reach the electorate-saturated voters and win for your goals. Frontal communications and front-line applications were once, clever thought-out and surprising guerilla strategies are state of the art – and our core competency as a guerilla marketing specialist agency
Ambient Marketing Sports
Advertising Drones for Procter & Gamble
Unusual people provide unusual views. Different people use the whole spectrum that marketing has to offer. What appears to the one green is not the other for a long time. What is a real eye-catcher for the other, just yawn the other. Chaos says the one, awesome the other. 28 creative advertising heads ensure that the eye is addressed in humans.
Not foul compromises but hard-worked concepts and discrete solutions ensure that our actions appeal to the imagination and dream dreams of the audience. Our goal is uniqueness. Our goal is to achieve that everyone who has seen our work wants to tell us about it. We focus our ideas on the essentials until the invisible but obvious one comes to light.
Since the company was founded in 2000, the experts of Cavemen, the international advertising agency, have struggled to the front with state-of-the-art tools of modern times and unusual projects – for well-known customers.
Light Projections Red Night of Bars
IFA Broadcasting Fair Guerilla Action
Towel 42 Guerilla
Guerilla marketing and lighting can be used to make contacts. 200 years ago with the Heliograph and by coach-mail, today via light-lines and social networks. It is also a simple phone or an e-mail. What happens on the way from you to us in light speed with their message everything, through how many amplifiers and converters your signal synonymous run, you can see nothing. This is everyday. Every day billiards. But our work should be something special. So if you have something special to tell the world or even a small part of the world, we look forward to showing you the possibilities of our craft. Or if you think that you do not have anything special to say, then we show you how to turn it into something special, not everyday.
Lightinstallation Actorhouse Düsseldorf
Wien Trade Fair 2014
caveman telephone number Germany (talk in english is possible, we do jobs all around the world) : 0049 2131 4058 629