Contact: Call us for advice on artificial snow eco marketing: 0049 163 71 666 23 Worldwide Delivery. No Problem!

mobile project headquarters

Artificial Snow & Ice Skating

In order to fight climate change and related problems such as rising sea levels, PixelHELPER aims to increase awareness in the environmental sector by using snow in unusual locations.

In the project Snow on Demand you get ice art and artificial snow that does not melt – even in the hand. Our special snow effect is 100% ecological and ensures unforgettable snow moments in TV and cinema productions. Whether commercial or Hollywood production, we are flexible and can bring our snow mobile to any place. With our extraordinary effects, we enrich your trade fair appearance or enchant your company garden in mid-summer in a winter landscape. Together with the international advertising agency Caveman International, we offer worldwide support for your projects. All proceeds of the project go to the organization PixelHELPER.

Ice Car & Ice Blocks with Procuts are inside the Video


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mobile project headquarters

Mobile Project Center

Cooperation between the international agency caveman & PixelHELPER

Do you know it? Commercial advertising agencies donate 1% of their turnover to charitable organizations, PixelHELPER has signed a cooperation agreement with the international acting agency caveman based in Marrakech, every customer wants to implement viral guerilla marketing projects and still wants to support human rights, environmental protection and social projects Now with a clear conscience, because caveman cedes selected orders to PixelHELPER from 100%. With your promotion by caveman you support a non-profit organization. Finally, a winning advertising agency and a nonprofit organization are working together. The more advertising contracts the more light projections, large sculptures and viral actions PixelHELPER puts into action. For years, PixelHELPER has been struggling with low donations, and cooperation has created new opportunities for social engagement.

3D Mapping Light Projections Saarbrücken

longest roll poster in the world

Caveman International is a full service below-the-line specialty agency specializing in young audiences. Core competence is the conception and implementation of guerrilla marketing and ambient marketing measures, promotions, events, incentives and sampling.
Light art and the celebration of events with interactive light installations is one of our great passions.

In the area of ​​campaigning, we are breaking new ground as a guerrilla marketing agency. Example Elections: The closer the election moves, the more surprising will be the surprising actions that will be taken to reach voters who are saturated with electoral advertising and win for their goals. Frontal communication shows and superficial applications were once, cleverly thought-out and surprising guerilla strategies are state of the art – and our core competence as guerrilla marketing special agency

Ambient Marketing Sport

Advertising drones for Lenor, Procter & Gamblet

Unusual people make for unusual views. Different people use the whole spectrum that marketing has to offer. What appears one green, the other is far from the other. What is an eye-catcher for one, only makes the other yawn. One says chaos, the other awesome. 28 creative advertising heads ensure that the eye animal is addressed in humans.
Not lazy compromises but hard-won concepts and well-discussed solutions ensure that our actions appeal to the imagination and desire of the audience. Our goal is uniqueness. Our goal is to make sure everyone who has seen our work wants to share it. We focus our ideas on the essentials until the invisible but obvious comes to light.

Since its foundation in 2000, the experts of the international advertising agency Caveman have been fighting their way forward with state-of-the-art means and unusual projects – for well-known customers.

Light Projections Red Night of Bars

IFA Broadcasting Exhibition Guerrilla Action

Towel Guerrilla

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You can make contacts with guerrilla marketing and light art. 200 years ago with the heliograph and by coach post, today via light pipes and social networks. But it is also sufficient a simple phone or an e-mail. Whatever happens on the way from you to us at the speed of light with their message, no matter how many amplifiers and transducers your signal runs, you will not notice. This is everyday life. Every day happens billions of times. Our work should be something special. So if you have something special to tell the world, or even a small part of the world, we look forward to showing you the possibilities of our craft. Or if you think you have nothing special to tell, then we’ll show you how to turn it into something special, not everyday.

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