Humanism as an interactive experience in the livestream, control the distribution via the emoticons in Facebook. Zombies do not know any race, color or religion. Only brains! The project Zombies without Borders sees itself as an interactive aid swarm platform. The name is the derivative of a number of zombie computers that are controlled externally. Our aspiration is nothing less than a solution to all humanitarian catastrophes by interactively helping viewers through the livestream. Our goal: 24-hour livestream from the focal points of the world. Accompanying reporters in the war zones, aid distribution in the refugee camp or hunting poachers in the Kruger National Park, the possibilities our swarm control are boundless Our tool: The Emotionicons of Facebook control the aid swarm and decide what is done.

The goal of Zombies without Borders is therefore in many places, using the developed technology, including mobile battery carrying garments; internal WLAN camera controls, interactive database software for swarm control, add-ons for the RMTP Facebook livestream control large groups of people for positive purposes via the browser to solve the important problems of the time.

The first livestream locations are Senegal, Palestine and our logistics hub in Morocco. PixelHELPER wants to supply all other countries with humanitarian relief supplies from the Morocco site. On the way to Madagascar, we want to install at least one interactive livestream location in each country. The livestream locations are said to either build employment opportunities such as an algae farm & amp; Produce products together with refugees to give you a good future on the African continent. Everything in the livestream, you have always been there and decide what happens. Each place will be displayed in the livestream during the day, interactive television with the aim to improve the world through swarm help. In Madagascar, we want to use Georgian phage therapy to protect people from the lung plague that breaks out there every year. Through a cult of the dead, the inhabitants of the island repeatedly come into contact with the pathogens that already killed millions of people in Europe in the Middle Ages.

Interactive real-time help in the live video stream in your browser.

Technically, it works so that we start a livestream with transparent controls and then invite the respective „Zombies without limits“ employees in our livestream. So we keep an eye on the choreography of the interactive controls and react quickly to changes in the livestream at the place of the crisis.

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PixelHELPER Foundation non-profit GmbH
Steindamm-Privatweg 3, 39114 Magdeburg
District Court Stendal HRB 22168
Managing Director: Mr. Oliver Bienkowski
Telephone number: 0049 163 71 666 23